Monday, June 18, 2018

So Many Times

Back in the day when I was writing in this blog is my latest project, a song titled "So Many Times".  It is a song about how we let our preoccupations clutter our relationship with God.  Sin, business, name it we all do it.  I hope you get something out of it.  I haven't yet put it to music, but I think it deserves a R&B theme with a hard rock line...d

So Many Times

so many times                                         Refrain:
we think that God                                    God has His time and place
won't do it                                                to show you which way to go
faith ebbs like the waves                          put your trust in His care
so many times

so many times
"what am I going to do
to get out of it?"
looking for a quick fix

so many times
we try to fill out
our papers
do it now not later
so many times

so many times
"just let me get this done!"
life on the run
so many times

so many times
relaxing in a misdemeanor
God will break your fever
listen to His will