Thursday, February 22, 2018

There is a Girl

One day I was sitting in the McDonalds lobby and in walked a pre or post teenage girl Im not sure which.  I thought that she probably had a lot on her mind...who to marry where to work and such.  It inspired a song in me.  I performed it rather rudimentary on keyboards via social media a while back.
Its in the rather pensive key of it is:
There is a girl
theres a girl
she gets a drink
she goes to eat
on a mission

works in the sun

Thy will be done
Ive just begun
theres a girl

theres a girl
will be dating
but keep waiting
theres a girl

getting older
time flows freely
help the needy
theres a girl

autumns coming
look what Ive done
On a mission
theres a girl

kids are trained in
all they have to
and some more too
theres a girl  

I was going to perform it on social media on the guitar, but Id rather live in front of people.  I think Ive made enough videos for one lifetime!


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