Thursday, June 15, 2017

You See This Room ( In My Sanctuary)

This first video lyric came to me as I was thinking in my room, "hey, this is where it all happens". What?  Where I write the songs and make the videos on my iPad, of course!  So I made this short clip of my "tiny S.R.O." which is short for "single room occupancy".  Here is the music in Em with a I-VI-IV-I chord progression:

In My Sanctuary (You See This Room)
you see this room
the things that God showed me
to choose and not let go
a place to form an answer to His will

you see this room
a place to hold His hand
a place to take my hands
with which to do His will 

you see this room
this tiny S.R.O.
I've got all His tools within it
wandering 'to and 'fro

you see this room
the workers mend the blinders
change the bulbs heat the building
It's not all done by me

Nobody does anything alone.  It takes a team effort, no matter what it is.  Remember that when you're faced with a task.  Writing a song.   Fixing your car.   Mending your blinders.




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