Saturday, July 29, 2017

God Bless You

How many times do we say, "God bless you!" in a flippant way or after someone sneezes.  It may be a derogatory salutation or a sympathetic com-misery.  Notwithstanding,  here is a song about a much abused phrase:

God Bless You
common words are spoken
in many different ways
"good luck", or sincere doting
many shapes and forms

a blessing for the masses
after a great finally song
a truly truthful comfort
when life goes terribly wrong.

whatever form it takes
gray, white or black in tone
we always like to feel the blessing
or throwing of a stone

When you want God to bless someone,  be sincere.  His blessings come from a devoted heart.

d ....p.s. this is also known as "Andrea's Song" and she will soon perform it in a FB video.  I don't know her last name...such is the mystery of love.....

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