Sunday, December 6, 2020




You know I was sitting in my apartment today thinking, "how am I going to conquer my problems in life?"  Not being specific about them, mind you!   Well, we all have to remember I was thinking as I was exiting the bathroom that we are covered by Christ.  It does not matter how imperfect we are.  Do not put pressure upon yourself to be perfect.  It will never happen. Although you may seem and feel pretty bad about your problems and shortcomings,  God loves you more than you know!   He will always forgive you number one and He is patient with us, not wanting anyone to perish, but for all to come to repentance.  1 Peter 3:9  So it sounds cliche, but hang in there and most of all relax. You engender more hope and furthermore, you have more clarity and strength in this. 


God Bless,



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