Wednesday, November 25, 2020

In your anger do not sin

 In your anger do not sin



There are always, regardless of the virtue we purport to possess, things and events in our lives which make us angry.   Well, they come up sometimes, quite unexpectedly.   I once read a story from a Bible tract or such about a woman whose husband did something that made her so hopping mad that she did this very mean and irrational thing to him!   I do not recall, save myself, what it was!     The point of the related biblical passage I suppose is that you have to find some way to redeem yourself, regardless of the point of day of the occurrence because it is very bad albeit  it doesn't seem so to leave it "hanging", as they say.    So if your brother or sister offends you or perchance you offend yourself,  please make the proper amends for the good of your soul, which really is all that matters.


p.s.  I do not always do these things myself!


God Bless,



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