Monday, November 23, 2020

Pastor Marty

 Pastor Marty

Marty is a pastor at Victory Church in Rotterdam, NY.   He said an interesting thing tonight on his message podcast.   You have to be in it in the love sense.  And this comes by obedience and reading the Word, known as the Bible to us laymen. Now, I certainly make mistakes, ask anyone who knows me.  But the Bible will explain that to you.   Paul, a converted apostle,  said that we all seek to do good.  But it is bad namely in us that makes us do bad.   The good we want to do, we  cannot, because of this evil which lurks within us.   But be of good cheer, He, namely Jesus, has overcome the world.   Now I have a couple of friends who need this Jesus, like we all do! Anonymously, please pray for them.    say this:

Lord, I am a sinner.

I am sorry for my sin.

I here and now repent of my sins.

I come to you now,  knowing that I can't do it on my own.

I need you in my heart.

Please come in me and dwell.

that's all you do

God Bless,


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